103: Buying and Selling Notes and Deeds

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/olddawgsreinetwork/ep_103_Susan_L._Lyons.mp3″ title=”103: Buying and Selling Notes and Deeds” artist=”OLD DAWG’S REI NETWORK” background=”default” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ] SHOW NOTES FOR EPISODE 103 – BUYING AND SELLING NOTES AND DEEDS Susan Lassiter-Lyons has dedicated her life to helping people gain control over their finances by teaching familiar and little-known investing strategies to create multiple streams of income.  In this episode, Susan shares how investing in notes or deeds of trust is in an … Continue reading 103: Buying and Selling Notes and Deeds