184: Ask Bill! Finding a Mentor, Multifamily Investing, Common REI Problems

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/olddawgsreinetwork/fff_90_ep_184.mp3″ title=”184: Ask Bill! Finding a Mentor, Multifamily Investing, Common REI Problems” artist=”OLD DAWG’S REI NETWORK” background=”default” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ] SHOW NOTES FOR EPISODE 184: ASK BILL! FINDING A MENTOR, MULTIFAMILY INVESTING, COMMON REI PROBLEMS I know it’s important to have a mentor but where do I find one?  How do I get started in multifamily investing?  And what are some of the common problems I might encounter in real estate investing?  In … Continue reading 184: Ask Bill! Finding a Mentor, Multifamily Investing, Common REI Problems