As we approach the holiday season, we are reminded of how important and significant giving to others is to the people in our lives and even more so for ourselves.. In this episode, Bill discusses how, as we are blessed in our real estate efforts, how we should, in-turn, share our blessings with others and not just with money and gifts.
I want to talk with you today about a topic that is very near and dear to me and frankly one in which I also struggle — that is the topic of giving back. As we enter the holiday season, it is the season of giving and it is a good time to let people know how much you appreciate them. That attitude should be a part of your business culture.
As we are blessed, we need to bless others. You need to do this because it will help change you for the better. I do it because I believe that God is the source of all my blessings and giving back is also a way to recognize who it all really belongs to and to be willing to give it all back if He wanted me to.
Giving comes with a benefit. Often blessings to you follow.
Think about what you can do to bless others as a regular part of your business culture.
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