He was a high school shop teacher in Minnesota who loved teaching and the kids he taught but, with a new marriage, kids of his own and limited salary, he was having a tough time making ends meet. He started reading books by Robert Kiyosaki and others, got the real estate bug and became a part-time flipper and landlord. In this podcast episode, Todd Dexheimer shares how he took flipping a few houses in his free time to running a multi-million dollar real estate investment enterprise.
Todd Dexheimer, a former high school shop teacher who started investing in Real Estate in 2008, mainly in single family homes and small multi-family properties. In 2016, he rebranded his company into Venture D, in order to syndicate commercial and multi-family properties. Since 2008, Todd has purchased and renovated nearly 300 properties. Currently, Todd owns approximately 350 units located in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, Milwaukee, WI, Lexington, KY and Cincinnati, OH.
This episode of the “Old Dawg’s REI Podcast” is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health-conscious people like runners, cyclist, weightlifters and vegetarians get lower rates on their life insurance. To see if you qualify, get your free quote today at HealthIQ.com/OldDawg or mention the promo code OldDawg when you talk to a Health IQ agent.
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Episode Sponsor: Meno Studio – menostudio777@gmail.com