When you acquire a larger property that is priced beyond your cash-on-hand, you need to find the money to cover the down payment, closing costs, and repairs/rehab expenses. You also need to have someone sign on the loan with a net worth more than the property. Where do you go to find that kind of money and a person to sign for the loan? In this episode, Nizan Mosery (who was featured back in episode #025) shares his own personal experience finding the funds and people to make his first big deal happen.
Nizan Mosery has been involved in real estate for the past 20 years and currently owns over $120 million in properties nationally and internationally. While living in New York, he owned a construction company and worked on numerous single family homes, multi-family and commercial projects of up to 300 units. In 2009, he relocated to Florida and became a licensed real estate professional, serving the South Florida market. He owns K.E.A.N. Realty Solutions a Florida-based real estate brokerage firm and one of the first Commercial ReMax franchises in South Florida. Nizan and his team head up the multi-family division. He is the also owner and C.E.O. of K.E.A.N. Management Solutions, a hands-on boutique professional management company. His background ranges from managing commercial assets, recognizing emerging markets, property management, syndication, mentoring and advanced creative financing solutions.
Bill created an example of an investor (John) and a property the investor found to see how Nizan would approach the situation.
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Episode Sponsor: Meno Studio – menostudio777@gmail.com