If you’re an out-of-state real estate investor, you recognize the value of good property management. In fact, it could be argued that one’s success or failure as an out-of-state real investor rests primarily upon property management. In this episode, Bill shares the challenge of managing property managers and the built-in obstacle of conflicting business models.
I have always invested out-of-state! I don’t know what it’s like to have a property in the same town, let alone the same state. That’s all I’ve ever known. If you can invest locally, I would highly recommend that you do so. But if, like me, you must go out-of-state, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of have a good to great property manager. They can make or break your investing efforts.
I always recommend that every out-of-state investor visit their properties at least once a year. Do I do it? No, only when things get bad. And why do they get bad? It usually has something to do with property management.
I have switched property managers multiple times. Why, for a number of reasons – and it’s not all property management’s fault:
Landlording doesn’t have to be a drag. We can tachle the key issues just by doing our due diligence and putting the right systems in place.
Well that’s it for today!
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Additional Episode Sponsor: Meno Studio – menostudio777@gmail.com