While browsing investing books at a local bookstore, aerospace engineer Pam Scamardo stumbled across Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad. The book so rocked her world that it prompted her to pursue other books, including one on commercial real estate investing. In this podcast, Pam shares how buying apartments buildings allowed her to generate enough cash flow, in just two years, to quit her lucrative engineering job and become a full-time investor.
Pam Scamardo has committed the last 7 years to acquiring, managing, and repositioning apartment complexes. She specializes in maximizing passive income for partners while preserving investor capital. Pam manages a multifamily asset portfolio valued at over $4.3 million through successful syndications. Currently, Pam serves as the Founder and Managing Partner of TPK Properties LLC, a privately-held multifamily investment company that acquires, manages, and renovates medium to large sized apartment buildings in California, Arizona, Oregon, and Washington. Prior to founding TPK Properties LLC, Pam worked as an Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineer at Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and UTC Aerospace. She managed projects that entailed detailed financial projections, new product developments, product launching, analytical testing and reports, as well as managing a global stress and design team. Pam has a B.S. degree in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Irvine and a M.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Southern California. Pam is also an Enrolled Agent with an emphasis on real estate taxes.
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Episode Sponsor: Meno Studio – menostudio777@gmail.com