Do you know how to make 15X return on short-term rentals over long-term rentals? If not, then you won’t want to miss this second part of a two-part podcast series! Today’s show features healthcare professional, real estate investor, wife, mother and real estate coach Dr. Rachel Gainsbrugh who will continue sharing how she is able rent out her single family homes for as high as $2,500 A DAY!
Rachel was born in Haiti with a drive to make a difference and not take her parents’ sacrifices for granted. She was raised in Miami, worked hard, became a doctor, and was left with over $500K in student loans.
So, she grinded hard to pay off her loans. When she discovered AirBNB investing, it became a game-changer for her as she was able to make 15X on short-term rentals over long-term rentals.
Now, she’s a healthcare professional by day and a rental investor by night. She’s the owner and manager of 18 luxury short-term rentals with a lucrative cash-flowing rental portfolio. She’s also a mom, wife, and real estate coach that was recently featured on a Netflix TV show showcasing one of her luxury rentals.
Rachel is passionate about helping professionals create a life they don’t need a vacation from through AirBNB investing.
DISCLAIMER: Many of the above strategies take knowledge and have a higher degree of risk. You need to do your research and/or work with someone who is experienced to reduce your risk.
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